Friday, December 12, 2008

Pregnant Date

It is Friday night and I have a date with Meesh.  What are we doing you ask?  Well, don't get wicked jealous but we are taking the dogs for a long walk around the neighborhood.  Good for the circulation.  Then we will probably have a bite at home.  Get into bed.  Meesh will wrap herself in her lifesize, U shaped preg pillow and I will make advances and while I am extending my hand to her proper parts the baby will kick, knocking my hand away.  I will go it again only to be stopped at the pass by the two pups.  I will then say fuck it, grab her boobs and say eee-rrr eee-rrr eee-rrr (I would never actually say eee-rrr but I had to jot it down because this Asian girl I met last night said eee-rrr in response to everything I said.  She would clench her fists and cartoonishly put them over her eyes and flex the fists back and forth whilst saying eee-rrr eee-rrr.  I said "my wife is pregnant."  She said "Eee-rrr eee-rrr."  I said "I am going east for the holidays."  She said...well you know what she said.  Worst part is she thought she was funny. I...did not.)

1 comment:

mjlambie said...

eee-rrr, eerrrrr? crazy man! some people just love naughty sfx! sometimes a walk in the neighborhood is the perfect night capper