Tuesday, December 9, 2008


I was about to get something zapped off of my face at the dermatologist when my phone rang.  It was someone who helped me and Meesh a while back (by help I mean guided...by guided I mean talked to...by talked to I mean mentored...get it?)

He said "Mazelpreg!"  Yes...he's Catholic.  As Catholic as the Catskills and my Rabbi.

He heard that we are having...err again...that Meesh is having a baby.  Fuck it, that we are HAVING a baby.  And he was very excited for us.  We talked.  I hung up.  Got my "spot" burned off of my face.  Ever had that done?  Well this guy just threw the goggles over my eyes and started burning my cheek.  No warning.  Fucking killed!  I hate him.

When I got in my car (prius...mind your levels) I was two things:  burning and smiling...fun combo.  I was reflective.  The Mazelpreg man who had walked us through a rough patch had heard through a grapevine that we were bringing a baby into this world.  Into a world, especially now, so wrapped in pain.  A world that can tear so many things apart and has.  And I've never been more...okay.  Don't get me wrong, things are crumbling around me.  Some of my own things.  However, the euphoria and bliss of my real life are truly overwhelming anything awful.  I see Meesh.  We cook dinner.  Us Jews listen to Christmas music round the clock (I begged for a tree years back and Meesh thought it would confuse things (double parenthesis here, what things?  It has been the dogs and us.  I know I'm Jewish.  She certainly knows she is Jewish, just ask her Menorah collection) so we did not get a Christmas tree but she did buy me 15 boxes of twinkle lights and she asked me to download a ton of X-Mas music so I have a good sense that a tree this way will come in time) and our dogs run around and then they tire and lay on Meesh's belly.  Knowing that there is something living in that belly.  They lay there as soldiers waiting to attack any wrong hand that dare touch the expanding stomach.

So yes, the economy is collapsing and we are in a universal rut and heartache is finding its way to us all...but I am choosing to drink the cool-aid of...here it comes...HOPE!

So, to any of you out there pregnant, not pregnant, pregnant with ideas, inspiration, possibility...PREGZELTOV!!


Meesh-elle my Belle said...

by confuse things I meant confuse our children and since they are certainly coming so you should have fought harder for that tree while it was you, me and the dogs hinnnn. A tree from the boy who insists on having a briss, doesn't want to have any baby items in the house before the baby is born (bc it's bad luck according to the Jews) and tells everyone he's conservative...

the belly

bex_newman said...

i thought the whole confuse thing was funny
b4 i got here & read the expanded version of ConFuse!
u 2 r too funny!
yup, haven't met u yet, of wife on my friend who kept me sane, but u sound perfect!