Thursday, April 23, 2009

The First Date Is The Hardest

The in-laws baby sat yesterday. We went on our first date. An 11:30 a.m. movie. State Of Play with Russell Crowe because Meesh said "I just love Russell Crowe. He's always so different in every film." To which I said "Which Russell Crowe films have you seen." Long pause. "Umm. Ummm. Wasn't he in American Gladiator?"

So we go to the movie. Meesh nods out (which happened before the baby, before the pregnancy, before all the befores) and then we go for lunch and discuss the movie. Meesh says "I only missed like five minutes, right?" Totally, honey. Just five minutes. I just agreed with all of her theories about the storyline.

And then we did what all of those before us have done and all of those after us will do. We talked about our daughter. Don't you love how she...and when she...and when that...and her cooing and cheeks and...and...and...

And so it is, our conversation has been forever changed. And I couldn't be happier.

P.S. don't go to a movie when you have parents or in-laws babysitting. lock yourselves in a shower and get a hummer for christ sake! then you can fall asleep and tell her about the "storyline."


Chris Illuminati said...

That P.S. could be the greatest advice ever.

ChloƩ Jo said...

Michelle needs to pick up a caffeine habit. ;)

bex_newman said...

i agree w ur p.s.
u might have to 'get a room' tho
don't know if ur in-laws will rtn for more babysitting if u follow ur advicde tho :-)