Friday, October 31, 2008

Doula (Oblongata)

We had our first Doula ( wanted to say it too, right?) interview today. At Starbucks. My head nearly exploded. She was awesome but her "menu" rivaled Jerry's Deli (an L.A. haunt that has a menu as dense as the bible...or torah...or insert your own wicked long-confusing-too-many-option text).

I found myself pretending to understand the way I did in Math class senior year of high school. I got the whole SOHCAHTOA thing but everything else evaded me. I told the principal that I would like to abandon math for creative writing. The principal said "you need this math class to graduate." I said "I will be hiring accountants and business managers because I am going into the arts." I got out of the math class. And I have a great business manager. And I can totally multiply, divide, add and subtract. So don't try to trip me up with numbers...I got mad 9th grade level skills. Holler!!

That said, before I left the math class, I did a great job pretending to understand everything. Well, great until the exams came. Then...umm...not so great. Hence, creative writing. So, I am going to make it my job to comprehend everything the doula (oblongata) was talking about. This guy is going back to school.

I'm not afraid of flashcards!

1 comment:

Allie said...

totally oblongata- krakatoa- sokatoa all the same...
i will school you on baby shcool. i am going to go to doula school. i will be your free doula. good luck my friend. it soundsintimidating and just read the shit and pretend like you are really into massaging the perineum...otherwise she will think you dont love her...