Saturday, November 1, 2008

Bristol Palin and The Parade She Rode In On

Meesh was Bristol Palin for Halloween. Bristol is the pregnant teenage daughter (not Anna Rodrigo) of Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Jessica Parker Palin.

People thought it was a gas!! And it was. Funniest part for me was that Meesh did not attempt to look Wasilan at all. She was just pregnant. Which made it funnier for me (well that and the Halloween pot I smoked).

When we walked to the parade on Santa Monica boulevard ( a fantastic venue to have a panic attack in) Meesh walked ahead of me. In my attempt to catch up to her, I weaved my way through Geisha Girls (men) Sexy Maids (men) Wonder Woman (man) and Joe The Plumber (proper lesbian) and finally got to her. Reached out for her the way I do these days - arm extends to baby belly - and she turned around and I quickly pulled my arm it was Dora The Explorer...not Meesh. And Dora wasn't pregnant...just, ummm, well Dora likes lots of beer and cake I presume.

Finally found the real Meesh. She was walking alongside a Sarah Palin. It was such a lovely image. Mother and preg daughter strolling through a very liberal parade.

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