Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Yeah, It's The Weather...

I called my parents 10 minutes ago. Because 10 minutes ago things were lovely. Skies were blue. Sun shining. Baby making cute, little noises as she rocked comfortably and happily in my arms. What a difference some minutes can make.

I've had a recurring headache-on-the-verge-of-migraine for the last four days. Because when Evvy wails she usually does so when I have her on or around my shoulder which is oh so close to my ear and its drum. I bought Advil Liqui-gels because they say it gets in your system faster. Bullshit. I need an Imitrix shot up in this bitch (and by the fucking way, all new parents, not just the moms who delivered the baby, should have a 6 month prescription of percocet.)

So, I phoned my folks 10 minutes ago because all was quiet and I thought it would be a perfect Ichat time (by the way, please Ichat with your parents and pray that your dad does what mine does: sits behind mom and makes faces at her when she talks...it is rife with humor) however my Mom was at D'agastino where "she was really annoyed because they were out of her decaf" (yep, my mom can not converse in the wee hours of the morning unless she's had her decaf.) So when my Mom got home she immediately called hoping for that Ichat. Too late, lady. 9 minutes too late. I said "Ma, the screaming...I just want to make Evvy okay...but that screaming..." my mom giggled. I said "it's funny, Ma?" While laughing she said "No..." I said "My head is pounding. I keep having headaches." She said "Because of the weather?" Hmmmm. The weather? Well, sure, could be. Or might it, I don't know, be what I just said...a yelping baby in my ear? Maybe?


bex_newman said...

yup its the weather... u know damn grandparents, can't remember the reality...

ChloƩ Jo said...

Imagine if I said "It's the swine flu."

Unknown said...

oh do I love you. Can't wait for looong chats and cuddles. The funny part is that your mom needs decaf to function but my mom needs decaf (but only decaf if it is from a gas station) coffee to function.